
Updated Trial Scheme


Updated trial scheme information

We ran extensive public engagement throughout the summer of 2023. We're considering a number of changes to the scheme following all of the feedback we received.

We believe the updated plans for the trial scheme will help make Barton Hill and parts of Redfield and St George quieter, safer and healthier places to live and spend time. 

Have a look at the plan below, or take a closer look to see what local streets could look like once it’s underway. 

Map showing updated area wide proposals and how traffic would access different streets within the area.

How we got here 

Lots of people told us how streets across the pilot project could be improved by using a range of measures from our design toolkit.

We put all of that feedback together in our co-develop engagement report, and have used it to shape the trial.

We shared plans for the trial scheme through a series of workshops and walkabouts from May to July 2023. We received many suggestions for how we could make the scheme better, how the scheme would impact people, and what concerns people had with the proposed layout. 

The trial is likely to take place after the statutory consultation, which could run in the autumn/winter 2023. 

Changes to the trial scheme

We have made several changes in response to community feedback and concerns. 

  • Removal of Great Western Lane modal filter
  • Convert Marsh Lane pocket park to a bus gate, and move to the junction of Glendare Street
  • Introduce a number of exemptions for the bus gates
  • Remove banned turns and improve pedestrian crossing at Chalks Road junction
  • Make Grindell Road two-way. 
  • Remove Cossham Road pocket park and install modal filter at Wicket Lane
  • Convert Glebe Road pocket park to a modal filter
  • Install traffic calming and crossing improvements at pinch points along Crews Hole Road 
  • Improve sustainable travel options

Find out more information on each of the changes

How the scheme would work

The entire area would still be accessible by vehicle, however, the routes you take would change. For example, if you lived on Cossham Road in the yellow area, you would enter and access via any of the other yellow streets. You would still be able to drive to the other coloured areas, but would need to enter via the main roads. You would be able to pass through all the measures (such as modal filters) by walking, cycling, wheeling or scooting. Bus access would be maintained throughout the area and a series of exemptions are now proposed through each of the bus gates. 

We’ll be asking for your views again once the trial is underway. During the trial we will run workshops to co-design what the permanent measures could look like.

Have a closer look at the plan for the trial scheme. You can also check the below list for each street that is having measures trialled on them: 

Talk to the team

Please get in touch if you have any questions, comments or feedback. 

Book a one-to-one phone call or virtual meeting with the team to find out more, ask questions, and raise any issues.

Email the team

Telephone: 0117 903 6449 and leave a message and we will call you back.