
Changes to the Trial Scheme


Changes to the trial scheme

What's changed for the trial scheme and why?

We shared the plans for the trial scheme through a series of workshops and walkabouts from May through to July. 

We received many suggestions for how we could make the scheme better, how the scheme would impact people, and concerns about the layout.

We have reviewed the community feedback and are proposing the following changes to address some of the concerns raised, while making sure the scheme is effective and works as well as it can for everyone: 

  • Remove the Great Western Lane modal filter
  • Convert Marsh Lane pocket park to a bus gate and move to the junction of Glendare Street
  • Introduce exemptions for the bus gates
  • Remove banned turns and improve pedestrian crossing at Chalks Road junction
  • Make Grindell Road two-way. 
  • Remove Cossham Road pocket park and install a modal filter at Wicket Lane
  • Convert Glebe Road pocket park to a modal filter
  • Install traffic calming and crossing improvements at pinch points along Crews Hole Road.
  • Improve sustainable travel options

Click through to find out more detail about each change and what it may mean for you.



Removal of Great Western Lane Modal Filter

We're now removing the proposed modal filter on Great Western Lane in response to concerns raised through the last round of engagement, which were primarily around the impact that the significant diversion routes would have. 

This will mean that people travelling by car who live in the green area of Barton Hill could enter and exit via Days Road and Feeder Road. 

Great Western Lane after
Great Western Lane before

Converting Marsh Lane pocket park to a bus gate and relocating to the junction of Glendare Street

Concerns were raised that emergency services would be slowed down by having to remove the bollard at Marsh Lane. Concerns were also raised regarding the length of the diversion route that people would need to take who lived south of the pocket park. 

Converting the proposed closure to a bus gate means that all the exemptions would apply to the new location. This would provide greater flexibility and access to all the main roads surrounding the area. 

The bus gate would also be enforced with cameras rather than a bollard, which means that emergency services would not have to remove a bollard during emergencies.

The bus gate would futureproof the scheme for a potential bus route connecting Barton Hill and Redfield to Temple Meads, the new university campus, and the city centre via Avonvale Road and Feeder Road. 

Marsh Lane with bus gate
Marsh Lane with pocket park

Bus Gate exemptions

We're now proposing to make the following exemptions at all of the bus gates as part of the scheme. This will mean that the following vehicles would be able to drive through the bus gate without receiving a PCN.

  • Emergency services
  • Refuse vehicles 
  • Professional carers providing care within the community. 
  • Parents with children attending SEND schools
  • Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles
  • Disabled Class Vehicles
  • Cycles and e-scooters

The exemptions in these locations would mean that car journeys would be simpler for anyone providing professional care or who have challenging and time constrained journeys associated with care. The Taxi and private hire exemption provides more flexibility for people working in the taxi trade and makes the area more accessible for people who rely on taxis. 


Chalks Road/Church Road junction improvements

Since the beginning of the project, concerns have been raised with the current junction layout at Chalks Road/Church Road.

Issues have been raised with how long it takes to cross the junction when walking, and how the pedestrian islands are narrow and not suitable to accommodate the number of people crossing between the high street and the park, especially those in wheelchairs and with pushchairs. 

Issues have also been raised around the banned turns and the impact that this would have on diversion routes if the trial scheme is implemented. 

We're now proposing to improve pedestrian facilities and remove the banned right and left turns so that these movements are allowed again. 

Chalks Road junction before
BeforeChalks Road junction after

Make Grindell Road two-way and remove the proposed one-way on Netham Road. 

Concerns were raised around access due the proposed bus gate on Avonvale Road, Pilemarsh junction. Under the initial proposals traffic accessing the area would have to exit via Pilemarsh which is a steep hill. 

Making Grindell Road two-way will give alternative options to people accessing and exiting the area. If introduced, this change would be monitored alongside the rest of the scheme. 


Remove pocket park at Cossham Road and replace with a modal filter at Wicket Lane

Concerns were raised with how viable a closure would be on Cossham Road, especially as this street is wider and more suitable for larger vehicles to exit this area of the scheme. 

We're now proposing to remove the pocket park on Cossham Road and replace this with a modal filter on Wicket Lane. This will prevent people from cutting through Wicket Lane, which is particularly narrow, to avoid the Chalks Road, Church Road junction. 

Wicket lane closed to general traffic except walking, cycling and scooting
Wicket Lane open to traffic.

Convert Glebe Road pocket park to a modal filter

Community feedback told us that the proposed pocket park on Glebe Road would not necessarily be the best use of space, as St George's Park is in very close proximity. 

In response to this, we are now proposing to replace the pocket park with a modal filter. This means that there is less of an impact for on street parking, whilst achieving the same aims. 


Crews Hole traffic calming and crossing improvements

The community alongside Crews Hole Road raised concerns over whether additional traffic could be pushed onto this road during the trial scheme, which could exacerbate existing road safety issues. 

Longer term improvements are already planned for the Crews Hole area including formal crossings at Netham Lock and Conham Road, lighting improvements alongside the River Avon path, and informal crossings at pinch points. These could not be delivered until a decision had been made on whether to make the scheme permanent or not. 

However, we're now proposing to install temporary crossing and traffic calming improvements as part of the trial scheme in the following locations

  • Adjacent to Strawberry Lane footpath
  • Adjacent to Mama Bear's Day Nursery
  • And, adjacent to the Crews Hole, Troopers Hill Road junction.

Improve Sustainable Transport Options

The team received considerable feedback regarding how the existing sustainable transport options are not good enough, meaning that some people have no choice but to rely on their car. 

In response to these concerns, the following supporting measures are proposed to be introduced alongside the scheme. Some of these measures may take longer to deliver as they're dependent on partner organisations and development. 

  • Work alongside the West of England Combined Authority to increase the frequency of the Number 36 bus service from every 30mins to every 15mins. This would make it easier and more attractive to use the service as it's likely to be more reliable following the introduction of the bus gates. 
  • In the longer term, we would seek to provide an additional bus service linking the area to Temple Meads and the city centre. 
  • We will continue our support for walking and cycling behaviour change in the area. This will help make it easier for people who want to walk and cycle more often by providing more cycle training, guided walks and loan bikes. We would look to work with the wider community so that the offers are more effective.