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Trial scheme update

Thank you to everyone who came along to our information sessions or joined us for one of our walkabouts of the area to find out more about the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood trial.

Over 500 people got involved with even more people taking a look at the information online and giving us their initial thoughts.

We’re starting to pull together all the comments we’ve had back to see if there are any changes we can make to the trial scheme.

This will lead onto the formal consultation stage of the trial, which is a legal process needed to make changes to the roads, which we expect to take place later in the summer.

We’re hoping the trial will start in the autumn. We’ll keep you updated as we go through the process.

Cycle hangars and tree planting

In the meantime, we’ll be contacting households on the 10 streets where cycle hangars are proposed to be installed about their exact locations. Once these have been agreed, residents will be able to sign up to use them.

While we can't plant trees as part of the trial, we will be using trees in large planters to demonstrate where street trees could go on local streets, whether along pavements or as part of a pocket park or modal filter. We’ll keep you posted about these plans as we work them up.

Frequently asked questions

A few themes came up at the information sessions, including questions around modal filters.

These do not mean that a whole road will be closed, rather they restrict access to motor vehicles travelling through at a point in the road with bollards and planters, while giving access to walking and cycling.

You would still be able to access all the streets in the trial area. However, if you were driving, you might need to go by a different route.

The colourful zones on the trial map show how you can access streets in each of the zones. Entry would be via the arrows pointing inwards and exit would be via the arrows pointing outwards. In effect, traffic would no longer be able to use your streets as cut-throughs to avoid the main roads, so your streets would be much quieter and safer.

Emergency vehicles would retain full access to all the streets across the trial area.

We have plenty more answers to frequently asked questions – take a look at our FAQs.

Get walking and cycling this summer

From free cycle training and how to find local walking groups to bike maintenance courses and free bus taster tickets, we’ve got heaps of information and resources to get you out and about this summer.

Find out more about walking and cycling.

Posted on 21st June 2023

by Liveable Neighbourhoods team