East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood logoEast Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood

Interactive Map contributions

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon


7 months ago


Where have you placed your pin?

Victoria avenue

What are you commenting on?

• Traffic

How does it make you feel?


Why do you feel this way?

• Quiet, low traffic street

• Easy to cross the street

• Street or the area feels peaceful

Any other comments or issues you want to bring to our attention?

Proposed road closures not needed or wanted. Closed roads will cause issues on other roads and increase crime and reduce safety in the area as well as cause residents and businesses issues with deliveries, visitors and getting to places we need access too!

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Mostly negative

7 months ago


Where have you placed your pin?

Salisbury Street park corner

Do you live inside the project area?

• Yes

What are you commenting on?

• Walking

• Littering and bins

How does it make you feel?

Mostly negative

Why do you feel this way?

• Nowhere to sit and rest

• Too much littering and waste

How could we make it better?

• More trees and planting

• More benches and seating

• More litter bins

Any other comments or issues you want to bring to our attention?

A dog waste bin would also be very useful as there isn’t an alternative nearby

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7 months ago


Where have you placed your pin?

Public Right of Way BCC/408/10

Do you live inside the project area?

• Yes

What are you commenting on?

• Walking

• Street environment

How does it make you feel?


Why do you feel this way?

• Not pedestrian friendly

• Footways cluttered

• Nowhere to sit and rest

How could we make it better?

• Trim bushes or trees

• Widen footway

• De-clutter footways

Any other comments or issues you want to bring to our attention?

Reopen Public Right of Way BCC/408/10

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7 months ago


Do you live inside the project area?

• Yes

What are you commenting on?

• Footways

• Walking

How does it make you feel?


Why do you feel this way?

• Not pedestrian friendly

• Driver behaviour

• Too much traffic

• Difficult to cross the street

• Nowhere to sit and rest

• Feel unsafe cycling

• Anti-social behaviour

How could we make it better?

• Safer junction for walking and cycling

• Improve road safety

• Remove parking

• Widen footway

• More trees and planting

Any other comments or issues you want to bring to our attention?

Inconsiderate pavement parking is creating an unsafe and unwelcome environment for pedestrians and cyclists

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10 months ago


Where have you placed your pin?

Marsh Lane proposed Bus

Do you live inside the project area?

• Yes

What are you commenting on?

• Bus services

How does it make you feel?


Why do you feel this way?

• Traffic enforcement issue

Any other comments or issues you want to bring to our attention?

No access to feeder road via Marsh Lane or anyone where else

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